Weighted blankets : are they worth it?

weighted blankets

Weighted blankets are among the newest and most popular sleep products on the market. But what are they and do they work? What is a weighted blanket? Weighted blankets are heavy blankets that are used for therapeutic purposes — most commonly stress and anxiety. These blankets can be made from a variety of materials but…

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Anxiety and sleep

Anxiety and sleep

If you’ve been feeling anxious, chances are your sleep is also suffering. Find out how anxiety impacts sleep and what you can do.     Anxiety and anxiety disorders Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress, which includes fear or apprehension. However, if feelings of anxiety are extreme, are with you all the time,…

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Sleep and mental health

Sleep and mental health

We all know how vital sleep is to our physical wellbeing, but how are sleep and mental health related? The quality and quantity of sleep we get each night can affect how we feel during the day. Get a good sleep and we wake up feeling refreshed, and ready to greet the day. But wake…

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